Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mission Clean Water Monday

In our quest to increase the supply of clean water for all on Earth, it can seem overwhelming to find solutions. There are amazing laws that have helped throughout history, such as the Safe Drinking Water Act, and amazing scientific research aimed at water desalination.

What can WE do?

As always, we have the power on these missions to make huge differences! If we all do one simple act a day, those add up to phenomenal changes.

For Mission Clean Water Monday, today, if you see trash near a storm drain, pick it up and throw it out. If you are mowing your lawn, be sure to throw the grass clippings into the compost pile if you have one or the trash, but please do not sweep it down the storm drain.

Chemicals from fertilizers and trash that gets into the storm drains flows into our rivers and oceans creating toxic waters.

For a site that explains this to kids in an understandable way, go to The City of Oceanside Clean Water Program.

Have fun keeping trash out of the streets and storm drains today to keep our water clean!

Remember, when others see you doing this, they are more likely to help out too - spread the green power!

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