Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Family Time Tuesday

A wonderful green family activity to do together today is to sort through the items in your children's rooms that may no longer be used and ready for recycling or donating.

Make it a fun game for them. Set out three boxes, one for save, one for donate, and one for recycle. Talk with your children about how some people may benefit from the books or toys that your children no longer play with. The items that your children are attached to, but perhaps no longer use, can be placed in the save box and put in your home storage closet to be rechecked in a year for sentimental value at that time. This way your children know that they can keep certain things they aren't ready to part with.

The value in this activity is that children can feel good about themselves knowing they are helping to give toys and books and clothes to children in need. Also, you are teaching them how to organize and not waste what they have. This weekend, as long as it is safe for the age of your child, be sure you all go to the local homeless shelter, group home or Salvation Army to donate your children's items so that they can see how they truly are helping those in need.

This is also a great activity to do during the holidays when local firemen and police departments accept donations for Toys for Tots programs.

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